Not answerable beyond the simple affirmative, of course: "It was extraordinarily classist." But still worth a comment. The dominant, driving assumption (yes, assumption is drive, assumptions after all are assertive) was that the the species-being of humanity was a certain becoming-American and, distinctly, a becoming-European. (The overarching becoming-Western doesn't work, as the mutual transatlantic contempt continues to alter these bourgeois territories enormously.) It based the mechanism of this becoming on the continuing-to-be-American of British and American consumers specifically. The desires of these particular joe-the-plumbers were to drive them to increase a debt-emburdenedness which they would, stupidly,
honor. This piggish consumption would cause the Chindians to engage in similar debt-based contractual obligations as they increased their consumption of meat, oil, and received opinions. Instead, the Yanks defaulted and the Chinese saved.
This system broke down at so many points that it now appears with the arrogant, brutish naiveté of a medieval political theology. You cannot secure against default and the withering of desire for tat; least of all by deploying a doctrine of human nature as deluded and constrained as that of original sin.
Yes, but will it succeed?
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